TOSCO and ELOOLO offers you the opportunity to travel clean by planting trees in order to offset your vehicle’s direct carbon emissions.

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As we all are becoming more environmentally conscience and realize the effect we have on the environment we also realize that we have a responsibility towards nature and others.

Tourism is responsible for around 8% of the total global CO2 emissions!

The good news is that trees can clean up after us, as long as we plant more of them. Through planting trees, we can offset our carbon emissionsand help lessen the impact of the tourism industry on global warming.


For this reason, TOSCO & ELOOLO teamed up to offer Na- mibian tour operators and their clients the opportunity to offset their carbon emission for their safaris and be more responsible.

The Clean Travel programme is open for all responsible operators and travellers in Namibia.

Who are we?

TOSCO is a tourism trust that promotes and supports sustainable tourism in Namibia.

Eloolo Permaculture Initiative is a NamibianNGO working in the fields of food security,sustainability, environmental awareness and edu- cation.

Towards a sustainable tourism industry the Clean Travel programme

What is the Clean Travel programme?

The Clean Travel programme is a partnership between TOSCO and Eloolo which offers the tourism industry the opportunity to offset or partly offset their carbon emissions.

How does it work?

Eloolo will plant your trees within communities and schools that will be-nefit from taking care of your trees. All trees will form part of a Perma- culture designed food system which are water wise and become more resilient and abundant over time.

Through planting trees, You help to:

Create educational opportunities for children.k Empower women.
Build strong communities.
Increase the income of poor families.

Families to feed themselves.
Reverse environmental degradation.
Restore biodiversity.
Change people’s lives for the better. Forever.



More info with Eloolo and TOSCO 

The Tree nursery situated in at Dagbreek Windhoek school can be visited upon appointment:

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