Research Programme

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TOSCO supports various recognized scientists who make contributions to Namibian conservation


Kalahari African Wild Dog Trust

The Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) was founded in 1990, their vision is to see a world in which wildlife live and flourish in coexistence with people within a sustainable system that is protective of the environment, and economically viable. Their African Wild Dogs satellite project, led by CCF Community Coordinator Nadja LeRoux, monitors the Otjozondjupa wild dog population which is highly persecuted and lives outside of a protected area.

This population however plays a vital role, with young dispersal dogs moving into KAZA and diversifying vital genetics to the species, contributing to the long term survival of these threatened carnivores. The project’s goals are to identify African wild dog packs in the area, identify den sites and implement den protection, identify pertinent conservation issues, investigate and implement potential solutions to conflict and benefits to affected communities, monitor trends in African Wild Dog ecology over time in a highly persecuted population and understand dispersal patterns of African Wild Dogs into other key populations and KAZA.

TOSCO sponsored field equipment including a cell phone network booster to the African Wild Dogs Satellite Project to enable them to carry out their work in remote areas where communication is vital yet limited by network access.

InterMuc Leopard Project (University of Ljubljana in Slovenia; Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research of Berlin (IZW)) Ruben Portas from the University of Ljubljana and the Leibniz Institute for Wildlife Research of Berlin is carrying out research on kill sites and leopard hunting behaviour in the Khomas-Hochland mountains. The study aims to understand inter-specific and intra-specific interactions among felids, as well as to gain novel insights into several other aspects of their ecology. The research takes place in the Khomas-Hochland mountains in collaboration with the Auas Oanob Conservancy.

His research will be very informative for farmers in the Khomas region. The camera traps are powered by rechargeable batteries donated by Vision Sales & Marketing / VARTA, through TOSCO.