Support conservation efforts of iconic, charismatic species

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Lion Conservation

Lion Ranger Program

The Lion Ranger Program, co-founded by Russell Vinjevold, Dr. John Heydinger and Dr. Philip Stander, supports ongoing research and human-lion conflict mediation, mitigation, and management efforts in the Kunene Region of northwest Namibia. Their goal is the long-term sustainable management of human-lion conflict by communities in northwest Namibia to ensure continued desert-adapted lion survival and community benefit.

The number one threat to desert-adapted lions is retaliation following human-lion conflict – the Lion Ranger program aims to remove this threat. The Lion Ranger programme unifies communal, governmental, and  non-governmental stakeholders by bringing together community, government, NGO, and research stakeholders for adaptive, sustainable management, with particular emphasis on human-lion conflict challenges.

The programme focuses on a community-based approach: the Lion Rangers are conservancy-employed game guards who receive special training and equipment to lead efforts in combating conflict between humans and lions on communal land. TOSCO supports the Lion Ranger Program with lion ranger training, monthly top-up bonuses (both through the support of the CCFN- Community Conservation Fund of Namibia) as well as with logistic and coordination support.

Lion Research


Elephant conservation

Human-elephant conflict mitigation
About chillies to protect gardens

Creating elephant-based income for communities
Chili products / info centres

Elephant research
About Desert Elephant Conservation / Dr. Ramey and Dr. Brown.

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Other research projects that TOSCO supports

Although the extinction of wildlife species occurs naturally without human interference, the current rapid loss of species is a direct result of the impact of humankind on biodiversity. Habitat destruction and fragmentation, poaching, climate change and human-wildlife conflict are amongst major threats to wildlife and radical action is needed to conserve our natural ecosystems.  In order to inform conservation priorities and establish the right measures, conservation research is of key importance. TOSCO supports various recognised researchers who make contributions to Namibian conservation, with a focus on the long-term survival of threatened and endangered wildlife.