Tourism Supporting Conservation (TOSCO Trust)
Tourism Supporting Conservation TOSCO Trust’ financial year has come to an end in February 2019. We are very excited to share our 2018 Activity Report with all of you. We are proud at all the projects TOSCO Trust has been supporting and for all the accomplishments made the past year. Thank you again to all the strategic partners, members and volunteers.
To check our activity report click here:
In 2018, TOSCO Trust increased its incomes by 32% in relation with the previous year. That means we fundraised 959.869,77 NAD with 45 members. That allowed us to support different programs all around Namibia; in terms of;
• Research;
We sponsor recognized scientists who preserve species and give conservation recommendations to the Minister of Environment and Tourism (MET);
• Living with Wildlife;
We support people living with wildlife outside of National Parks in order to turn this threat into an opportunity for them;
• Public Awareness;
We raise public awareness about conservation matters in order to promote responsible travel in Namibia;
• Clean Travel;
We clean visible and invisible pollution during and after our safaris, from the ground to the air.

This was possible thanks to your support and interest in responsible and sustainable tourism in Namibia.
We have big plans this year and we want you to be part of this new adventure. We have been working on a new “Membership Category System” and we are bringing new “Features and Benefits”for all 3 different categories.

Some great events will happen this year 2019; TOSCO Trust is partnering with Elephant Human Relations Aid (EHRA), Eloolo Permaculture initiative and Snakes of Namibia, to propose 1 free* Conservation workshop in the year for all Leopard and Lion TOSCO members. These workshops aim at bringing more understanding of conservation issues to tourism players and build relationships between key stakeholders.
The Conservation Workshop guarantees funds to these organizations to continue with the great job they are doing and at the same time, these workshop grants support training with a strong hands-on learning component.

For more information click here:
We would like to invite you to join a group of people that plays an active role in the fields of eco and sustainable tourism in Namibia, offering at the same time a unique opportunity to showcase your brand as a sustainability leader.
To become a professional TOSCO Trust member please click here.
If you are an individual that wants to support / protect wildlife and wild places please click here.