With your support in 2013, TOSCO would like to sponsor the Caprivi Carnivore project, managed by Lise Hanssen:
Population ecology of spotted hyeanas and suggested management strategies to resolve carnivore related human wildlife conflict in the Caprivi region Namibia.- “I started the Caprivi Carnivore Project in 2008 with the research of spotted hyaenas due to their role in human-wildlife conflict as well as the utilization of the species through trophy hunting. This was the first ever in depth carnivore research to take place in the region due to the history and location of the Caprivi. Since its inception, we now have a population estimate for the species in the west Caprivi. We have the first insight into what is driving the human-wildlife conflict and we are working on those same issues in the east Caprivi. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism have since become project partners with my project and we share data. They are now also looking into other large carnivore species like lions, leopards, wild dogs and crocodiles. From next year I will start training the community to monitor spotted hyaenas over the long-term. I will also look into establishing a carnivore monitoring team both in Bwabwata National Park and the east Caprivi parks.
- I am glad to report that the Ministry of Environment and Tourism used the results from this field project and applied it to actual management decisions within the Caprivi such as removing spotted hyaenas off the trophy hunting quota for the west Caprivi. During October this year, the communities of the conservancies between Mudumu and Mamili national parks also agreed to remove the spotted hyaena off the quota. I support trophy hunting as a conservation tool when it is sustainable, but spotted hyaena population dynamics is too sensitive and their reproduction too slow for hunting to be sustainable.”
As a sponsor of TOSCO who supports Lise and her job done on the field, she will have a bit of time for you if you meet her in Caprivi and if, of course, her duties allow. You will be recognizable by your TOSCO sticker on your car!
Don’t forget that 100% of any donations are given to the program, no admin fees taken out (they are financed by a donation/membership from the private sector).
Please find the 2011 Report (Spotted Hyaenas in the Caprivi Region of Namibia) as well as the Newsletter April 2013.
more on www.caprivicarnivores.org
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